Tools for Success
Seismic images from discovery at
Hankamer field, Liberty County, TX |
GPC uses an integrated approach to achieve exploration and production efficiency. Production Engineers, Geologists, Reservoir Engineers, Geophysicists and Land men work side by side to achieve the goals of the company.
An important part of GPC’s overall strategy involves the use of 3D Seismic Technology. We believe we have a competitive advantage because of our focused approach to its use. We utilize 3D Seismic Technology not only as a key exploration and drilling tool, but also as a production exploitation tool. 3D Seismic surveys over our existing producing fields have allowed us to engage in the detailed integration of well data into the seismic interpretation and to identify remaining areas of hydro-carbon accumulation.
An example of this is the new fault block discovery at Hankamer field in Liberty County. The Weaver # 1 discovered 20 feet of gas and 10 feet of oil in the Upper Frio formation using state-of-the-art PSTM-processed 3-D seismic data. Drilled on an amplitude anomaly, the well tested 50 bopd and has made 13,000 barrels of oil in the first year of production.